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Q: Do men and women in the military have separate living quarters?
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Why did ancient Greek homes have separate quarters for men and woman?

they had seperate quarters because the men had more power than women.

Where did noble women live?

Noble women typically lived in castles, manor houses, or palaces, depending on the time period and region. These residences often had separate living quarters for women, such as private chambers or suites, where they conducted social activities, cared for their children, and oversaw household matters.

When the Titanic was on its Maiden Voyage were men and women separated?

There were separate quarters for unattached women and men on Titanic but there was no segregation by gender per se. There were accommodations for women and men,like the reading room and smoking room, but neither were expressly forbidden from the other.

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Were woman allowed in roman theater?

Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.Yes, women were allowed in the Roman theatres but they had a separate seating area.

What religions separate men from women?

Judaism and Islam separate men from women in ritual worship but not in the workplace.

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I don't think women were even IN the military until after WWII

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Most of the people work, some live on the social aid.

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When was Women in Military Service for America Memorial created?

Women in Military Service for America Memorial was created in 1997.

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