

Do men and boys have breasts?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Men and boys have the same equipment as women have where breasts are concerned, the only difference is that they don't develop with puberty if they are male because the correct hormones to bring this about are not released with them.

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Q: Do men and boys have breasts?
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Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont have breasts.

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All boys have teats though most are small and not shaped like those of women. Boys and men who have large breasts have them because this is an area where the body stores excess fat.

Are there special vests boys can wear to hide large breasts?

Wearing a loose vest or shirt may help hide them. You can get male bra's though. They are made for adolescent boys and men that have developed large breasts. This is a condition called Gynecomastia. Some men prefer to have reduction surgery but Compression bras and vests are available.

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Breasts don't make a woman. Some women are flat chested. The men who love them aren't gay. Also, if men had breasts, they would be men's breasts. So a man attracted to men's breasts would be gay.

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The size of breasts teenage boys love is any as long as you have some

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No girls cannot do 'Peck Pops' as they have breasts, boys/men can only perform this if their upper body is toned/built.

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Can boys get breasts?

On babs only