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Q: Do hyperflexible people have high levels of flexibility?
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What type of sport is netball?

Netball is a sport which consists of high levels of agility, endurance and speed, and moderate levels of strength and flexibility. Netball training incorporates mainly running and agility.

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Yoga as a daily exercise program can improve fitness, strength, and flexibility. People who practice yoga correctly every day report that it can promote high levels of overall health and energy.

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Microcontrollers are small in size. As such, they help in reducing the size of circuits. They are also easy to program hence presenting high levels of flexibility.

What groups of people are prescribed statin?

people with high cholesterol levels in their blood

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State the chemical composition of the sterol that is present in high levels in most people who belong to the high-risk group.

What are some of the negative effects of having low triglyceride levels?

High triglyceride levels may lead to heart disease, especially in people with low levels of "good" cholesterol and high levels of "bad" cholesterol, and in people with type 2 diabetes. Experts disagree, though, on just how bad of an effect high triglyceride levels by themselves have on the heart.

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Why people eat things with very high levels of cellulose?

People cannot digest cellulose

How do people get Obsessive compulsive disorder ?

Some people are predisposed to it and some people get it because of high stress levels.

How high of heels should a 12 year old wear?

if they have hyperflexible knees, high heels are either really good or really bad, cause on one hand, they stop the feet rolling in, but on the other, they could hurt their ankles. so flats are probably a good option, or low heels/wedges.

Why dont people eat things with high levels of cellulose?

People cannot digest cellulose