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No, although some people have extra vertebrae in their backs, it is not determined by gender. Roughly 10-15% of people have a genetic spinal abnormality and an extra lumbar vertebrae (L6) is the most common of these abnormalities. There are varying opinions whether this causes adverse medical issues. Sometimes, the L6 vertebrae can become "sacralized," or attached to the sacrum by a rudimentary joint that creates additional motion therefore causing a greater potential for motion related stress which can lead to lower Back pain. The L6 disc is is susceptible to the conditions that can affect the other vertebrae such as herniated or bulging disc, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, and osteoarthritis- all of which can occur at any level of the spine.

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Q: Do human females have an extra vertebrae in their backs?
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Can a human have 34 vertebrae?

Yes. The human spine is made up of three parts, the cervical spine(neck), the thoracic(middle), and the lumbar (lower back). The lumbar consists of 5 vertebrae in the average adult human, but may also only have 4 or 6 vertebrae depending on the individual, although this is not as common. There can be sacralization of the 5th lower lumbar resulting in only 4 lumber vertebrae, or a vertebrae of the sacrum where the individual has an extra 6th lumbar vertebrae. While all adults have 7 cervical vertebrae there is much more variation in the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. The thoracic too may have a 13th vertebrae resulting in an extra rib. And as mentioned before the lumbar may have 4-6 vertebrae depending on the individual.

How many vertebrae are in human neck?

There are 7 (seven) cervical (neck) vertebrae in the human neck.

Where are the vertebrae in a human body?

The spine is made up of vertebrae.

How namy lumbar vertebrae does a human have?

Five lumbar vertebrae.

What are the vertebrae human have?

a human being has 33 vertebrae all together including neck to spine and everything. and then for a humans neck is the same as a giraffe which is 7 vertebrae in their neck since they are both mammals the vertebrae are just different sizes.

How many vertebrate does a human being have?

A human has 33 total vertebraeCervical vertebrae: 7Thoracic vertebrae: 12Lumbar vertebrae: 5Sacrum (fusion of 5 sacral-vertebrae): 1Coccyx (fusion of 4 coccygeal): 1

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Where is the vertebrae in a human skeleton?

In your back.

How many vertebrae does the average human and giraffe have?

Humans and Giraffes have 7 vertebrae in the neck

Are lumbar vertebrae are generally smaller than thoracic vertebrae?

Type Human Anatomy

The bones of the skeleton?

There are 206 in total.The bones in a human skeleton include the cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae, sacral vertebrae, coccygeal vertebrae and others.

Which type of vertebrae takes up the most space on a human's spine?

The thoracic vertebrae take up the most space on a human spine.