High altitudes do cause drowsiness because there is less oxygen in the air, so you can't breathe normally.
The high altitudes cause it to be colder.
Polar jet streams
Yes, just like any other opiate it can cause drowsiness in some people.
just high altitudes
In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep. Or many of these are known to cause fatigue and daytime drowsiness.
no, but they do cause pimples
Ultram can cause drowsiness.
I always get bloated when I go to high altitudes and pass alot of wind. Thought it was just me but my sister told me she has the same thing. My stomach feels like it is twice the size and it gets terribly uncomfortable.
It is possible that birth control can cause drowsiness. If this is a persistent issue it is best to consult a health care provider.