Some are, usually the ones worth pursuing don't care if you have acne. As long as you have a decent personality, why should they care? If they do care, there's no reason to go out with them anyway. i agree
as a girl i'd say that if a girl fancies you she probably won't mind that you have acne and if you r a nice guy girls will like you cos we like someone whos caring and nice and funny. also most girls have spots too, so they will sympathise, but they hide it under a layer of foundation and consealor (which is a pretty handy way of hiding them but unfortunatly not for guys) however if you are worried about it try medicated face washes - they can help - and/or go to your doctor. anyway in a few years time you probably wont have spots anymore so you dont need to worry :)
Most guys find acne a turn off, regardless of the age. In society where both men and women are brainwashed by airbrushed covers of the magazines,and little kids play with Barbie dolls, we are conditioned to be visual. People grow up dreaming and fantasizing about being with someone who looks like a Barbie or a model from a magazine cover. Sadly, you are judged by the apperence and the face you present to the world. Also, whoever says personality and intelligence matter more is lying! Acne affects every aspect of your life, job searches/interviews, not just your love and social life.
This is coming from a person with good personality and good education. I've had acne for 12 years and I have yet to meet a guy who would genuenly not care about it. I've had relationships where boyfriends said other things matter the most, but none of them were very sincere.
I am not saying this to discourage you from trying to find you love and hapiness, I just hope this post could prevent young teens from getting their heart broken over and over again. There are people that will accept you the way you are, it just doesn't happen to young teens and adults very often. Just remember , noone is perfect! Don't let your acne prevent you from doing things that make you happy. Good luck!
well it depends on the kind of guy.... if he doesn't have acne than he will like girl without acne... if there is a guy with acne he will like a irl with acne... that's my opion
Here's another opinion:
The bad news: We (guys) think they're really ugly, and few guys will date a girl with acne unless they're really ugly themselves (even if you're pretty under your acne).
The good (great) news: People understand the bad news, and acne is easily dealt with. Go to your doctor, if your acne is bad (more than a few pimples), he/she will either prescribe medicine themself, or if you acne is REALLY BAD, they'll refer you to a dermatologist who will give you whatever you need to make your acne better.. If your doctor decides your acne is not that bad, you should go to a pharmacy and pick up some 10% benzoyl peroxide cream or gel. If you put this on your face twice a day, your acne should go away fairly quickly.
Not all girls hate hairy guys if your very hairy dont be ashamed its just who you are
Not too many
Not all girls will hate it, but they are just not in fashion at the moment. They also seem to hug in the wrong places.
Posting all over thier wall! ;p
Some guys do. Of course They don't hate it, their just bored by it and view it as a measurment of her shallowness.
You could be yourself. Girls hate guys who try too hard.
Learn to write sentences, guys hate girls who can't spell or write sentences.
Just because you don't love someone, doesn't mean that you hate them. Gay guys like girls as regular friends just as much as straight guys, if not more so. They just don't like them sexually.
no im a guy and i hate it when girls play hard to get it makes guys feel like there unloved but that's the fun of it! girls love to make guys feel unloved
They don't hate smart guys, you probably come off as a know it all, which most hate.