Not when you put it so bluntly.
Girls like romance. I thought that was obvious.
doggy style
Well, I have seen girls make out. And let me tell you, I loved it. Most boys love it when girls make out. It is sexy.
they hump girls naked
Dry hump their leg.
Some are guys, some are girls.
the guys want the girls to notice them
Well some guys would say guys are, and some girls would say girls are.
Yes yOu rub something on it
Girls make up guys so they can fit in with the 'popular' girls or to make other guys jellous.
OK well these are reasons why guys hump girls...they want to have sexthey probably want to have kidsbecause they want to do itbecause they are probably in the mood andbecause they are married orthey have a really good relationship...
Guys and girls are both NOT simple trust me!