Females do not have prostate glands.
Mens have prostate glands. These glands are near their bladder. Some men can have prostate cancer that prevents them from having a normal daily life. It is always good to go and get yourself check.
The urethra passes through the prostate and the penis in the male.
The female prostate, also known as the Skene's glands, are located around the urethra near the walls of the vagina. They can be found by gently inserting a finger into the vagina and pressing against the front wall. Stimulation of the Skene's glands can contribute to sexual pleasure for some individuals.
Females do not have prostate glands. A gland in females with similar characteristics to the prostate, previously called paraurethral or Skene's glands, connected to the distal third of the urethra in the prevaginal space has been considered by a few researchers as a "prostate-like" gland.Flam, F. (2009). "Gee, women have ... a prostate?". The Seattle Times. Retrieved from http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/health/2002865111_carnalknowledge15.html.
The two glands near the penis are the bulbourethral glands (Cowper's glands) and the prostate gland. The bulbourethral glands secrete a lubricating fluid that helps with ejaculation, while the prostate gland produces fluid that forms part of semen.
the prostate gland is the scientific name
man & dogs
Women do not have prostate. Prostate is the sexual gland for men. Instead women have ovaries, which are their sexual glands (they are two).