Eventually they do when you reach a certain age where you stop growing.....So YES feet do stop growing! EVENTUALLY!
you can not make your feet stop growing only until you are 18
Your feet normally stop growing when you are between sixteen and eighteen years old.
they say after 18 for female you feet stop growing, im 19 and my feet has remained a 4.5 since i was in 8th grade so i think m,y feet have stopped growing
Feet stop growing when your're about 20. If your short they will probably be small.If you're tall your feet might be big.And also if you're fat your feet will be big.
For most people, the feet stop growing around the age of 18, but it can vary. The growth plates in the feet ossify by this age, meaning they stop growing longer. However, feet can continue to spread and change in width due to factors like weight gain, pregnancy, and aging.
OK, well you can't REALLY stop your feet from growing. However in China many years ago the woman used to make their feet small by bounding them. This is where they tape there feet really tight and it used to push all the bones inwards. Apparently it was very painful and causes alot of difficulties later in life. Its not the best idea to stop your feet from growing so keep them the way they are. bye
Your feet never stop growing, they carry on even after your dead. So does your hair, nose and ears.
It truly depends on your history. I have a friend who's feet are 13 in men's. So feet never stop and neither do your ears and nose. Never stop growing.
footbinding I would NOT recommend stopping your feet from growing. I stopped my feet from growing starting at age 12. I did it by wearing shoes that were 2 sizes too small and I was in pain EVERY day because of it. Once I knew my feet stopped growing, I started wearing shoes that were comfortable around the age of 17. I am now 25 and I have HORRIBLE foot pain. I also have pain in my ankles and heels. I think what I did was stupid and I will probably pay for it for the rest of my life. DO NOT STOP YOUR FEET FROM GROWING!!
They have probably stopped growing. Most people's height, size of hands & feet stop growing when they finish puberty. At your age, if they grew any bigger it wouldn't be very much.
Boys feel will typically stop growing a little after adolescence, which should be around the age of 18-21. However, your feet can still grow in width according to how much weight you gain.