Not all emos cut themselves; only some of them do. If they do it's usually because they have some problems they cannot deal with internally so they self injure themselves. They do this to relieve either pain, stress, or something that they cannot tell other people.
They're aren't called emo's. Emo is a style of clothing and music. people with issues or are suffering from depression and/or anger cut.
I used to be emo and I did "cut myself" I hate talking about it. I basically started doing it because my best friend done it, so I thought I should join in. But you just get caught up in it all. If you try to stop you can't! because if something upsets you then all you think about is "cutting" It's taken me about a year to get over it but now and again I want to cut myself "/ but it isn't the answer! so "DON'T" cut yourself because you won't be able to stop and you get labelled it forever! My parents don't trust me with anything sharp and my mom keeps looking at my arms "/
If you like there style but you don't want to cut yourself, then I suggest you become "scene" :) hope I helped.
Just to answer your question, no, you do not have to cut your wrists to be emo. But I do suggest you don't cut yourself because the people around you will label you, and that will never leave you, and everyone who loves you will lose all respect for you.
Emo is a genre of music, not something people can be. Labels are for soup cans. Anyway, people cut themselves for many reasons. Yes, some people cut for attention, but majority don't. Some people cut because they have a lot to deal with such as bullying or family problems; some because they're depressed; some because they aren't happy with who they are; some because they want to end their life; some because its a way to let out stress; some because they like the pain; and some because they did it once, for whatever reason, and became addicted. I know from experience how addicting it can be; you can be thinking 'One cut won't do anything' and it ends up killing you in the end. Cutting is a horrible thing and if you know anyone who cuts, help them.
Not all do... Most emos don't... they even think its rong... But im guessing because they are sad... and don't like their life... i gues... LoL i don't... not all emos cut
NOT ALL EMOS CUT!!No, and really, thays the main big difference between scenesters and emos, Emos cut, Scenesters do not. Otherwise, Scenes and emos are very similar.
the climax is when the emos cut themselves
i think cause the water sofftens the skin , so its eaiser to cut
Well, when do "normal people" take things out on others? When they're mad. Well, that's basically when "emos" cut. Or they do it from cases of boredom. It all varies.
its gothic not just cutting other harms and emos only some cut themselves.
First of all, it is called scene. And, no. They are not the same. Emos actually cut themselves. Scenes are just wanna-be emos
no not just emos but the word is suicidal people that cut themself is called suicidal.
Yes. They want it to because they feel bad about themselves.
First people DO NOT CUT THEMSELVES BECAUSE THEY ARE EMO. Don't believe all emos cut themselves just because its what real emos do, because its wrong. People cut themselves for multiple reasons 1.Bullying 2.they think hurting themselves will make things right problems 4.people problems (relationships, etc.) 5.they like to (sadly)
The truth is not all emos cut themselves. The ones that do, if acrossed the wrist are doing it for attection. But if they go down the veins they are trying to kill themselves. If that is the case talk to them, they may push you away but all they need is someone they can trust to talk to.
Do u mean cut you spelled cute and y does it matter all emos don't cut thereself that's just a stupid stereo type most emos that do cut probably only do it because they think u hafta cut to be emo so don't just assume all emos cut cuz they don't.
No, emos don't hate themselves, but they do hate it when people think stereotypical things like that. Keep in mind :] No, emos don't hate themselves. But some do hate life.