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Q: Do cougars have good eyesight
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Why do cougars have good eyesight?

Cheetahs have good eyesight because the eye is elongated giving them a wide range of vision. The black tear marks that run down the side of the eyes stop the glare of the sun when they are running or just watching the prey.

What are a cougars' mental and physical adaptations?

they can smell this that are far away, they have very good eyesight and they have ears to hear their prey

Do wildebeest have good eyesight?

No they have good eyesight like all anteolopes

Is a kiwi's eyesight good?

No. Kiwi do not have good eyesight, but they are compensated for this by their excellent sense of smell.

Does dog's eyesight is better than rhino eyesight?

True, but rhinos do have particularly good eyesight.

Does a panda have keen eyesight?

Pandas have poor eyesight.

Why do all spiders have good eyesight?

not all spiders have good eyesight, like tarantulas, for example

What is a vitamin that is helpful in maintaining good eyesight and the treatment of infection?

Vitamin A is needed for good eyesight.

Do the great white sharks have good eyesight?

Yes great whites have good eyesight. Their colour vision is not that good though!

How good is a gerbil's eyesight?

its eyesight is not the best so it relys on its whiskers and its smell

Do toucans have a good eyesight?

Actually Turtles have really good eyesight and also a keen sense of smell

Do griffins have good eyesight?

Yes, griffins are often depicted in mythology and folklore as having exceptionally keen eyesight. Their sharp vision is believed to aid them in hunting and navigating their surroundings.