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Yes definitally, that's actually one of the main things that guys look for it in girls. When a guy sees a girl who doesn't have they're own personallity they don't have anything to fall in love with, you can't fall In love with someone if that's not who your falling in love with!!

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Q: Do boys like it if you are you and not acting like someone else?
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depends what you mean by that maybe someone is acting the way they are because they are having a bad day and nothing is going well for them. Maybe they are acting weird because they promised someone they would keep a secret but that is hurting someone else but dont bug anyone about it because you dont no what is going on in their lives or at home depends what you mean by that maybe someone is acting the way they are because they are having a bad day and nothing is going well for them. Maybe they are acting weird because they promised someone they would keep a secret but that is hurting someone else but dont bug anyone about it because you dont no what is going on in their lives or at home

How do you get a girl to like you instead of someone else in 7th grade?

You can't, any more than someone else can make you think differently. Just be honest and sincere and perhaps show her you like her and then see how she reacts. You must let her decide for herself, however, otherwise you are being controlling and acting like a jailor, not a friend.