I swallow
Swallowing gum is harmless.
Dropping Mentos into soda will cause it to explode.
Strap a bomb to it.
you swallow it!
It can block your intestines.
My brother choked on gum and this is what I did... Turn the person that is choking on gum upside down, pat his back, shake him upside down. and the gum will come out. Or you can hit them on the hump in the armpit and they will stop choking on gum. It cause the gag reflex and they swallow it. yup whatever. this probably wont actually happen anyways. and the persons mom doesn't work in nicu
No Worms don't come from gum.
Seven Years
None. Its possible for bald eagles to swallow smaller birds. But it does not happen on occasion.
if you give an aspirin to a bird eventually it will explode:)