No. Kids have small feet and they smell like death.
Well it all depends the bigger the turtle the bigger the poop and messes the smaller the harder they are to find so it all matters what you care more about
The size of the feet is not the reason they smell worse or better. It is usually hygiene or health that causes feet to smell bad ,,,, not their size.
Not necesarily
Bigger maps tend to show more detail than smaller maps do.
Bigger - more than 6 times bigger.
Because all cells are roughly the same size. This means that bigger animals are made of more cells than smaller animals. (If bigger animals had the same number of cells as smaller animals then the cells they were made of would have to be bigger in proportion to those that smaller animals were made of - and they are not)
High heels don't make feet smell any more than other types of shoe.
By having a bigger feet!! Elaborate on ya question more.
The larger number is bigger in this case. More MB means more storage space, or more data has to be transmitted.