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Q: Do big people have big internal organs?
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Do people have skin?

Yes, it covers your internal organs.

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Does an octopus have internal organs?

Yes, an octopus has internal organs similar to those of other animals. These include a central brain, a complex digestive system, gills for respiration, a heart to circulate blood, and reproductive organs.

Why is there pools of blood surrounding the internal organs?

To protect you'r internal organs

What are internal organs?

Internal organs are organs that are inside your body, like your heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc.

What contains organs involved in internal fertilization?

Contains organs involved in internal fertilizayion

What is the downward displacement of internal organs called?

Visceroptosis is the downward displacement of internal organs.

Function of hipbone and their internal organs?

Our hipbones evolved to walk upright and in women, to give birth to big skulled babies.

What are the characteristic of bones that serve the delicate internal organs?

what are the characteristics of bones that serve the delicate internal organs?

What happened to the body after the internal organs had been remover?

After the internal organs have been removed the body decays

Why do some people give internal organs?

To help others and or to receive one later in life.

What is the passage that leads to the internal female reproductive organs?

The vagina is the passage that leads to the internal female reproductive organs