African honey bees, like all other honey bees, have barbed stings and if they lose them they will die.
lavender honey is the honey which is taken from lavender plants by bees.......
no because honey bees pollen
there will be less honey
The bees that die : Honey bee. The bees do not die : Hornets, Yellowjackets/wasps, and bumblebees. those are the bees i know that die/do not die
Honey bees aren't native to North America but were taken there by the early settlers about 400 years ago.
Honey bees die in high temperatures
No, bees don't make flowers die .Bees use flowers pulp to make honey.
insects like bees use the nectar from flowers to produce their honey. The nectar is what you would say is the same as tree sap.
honey hence the name honey bees Honey bees also produce bees wax by converting honey.
we all die we all die
Not in the sense of being "poisonous", no. There are no poisonous honey bees. However, all honey bees have a chemical they produce when they die by stinging someone that causes their sting to be more painful than simply being punctured.