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Bee stings inject a toxin or venom called apitoxin, which is a bitter colourless liquid. Bee venom causes local inflammation and acts as an anticoagulant. It is not a poison.

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None have poison.

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Q: Do all bee stings have poison?
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Can bees poison their vitims if so how?

They don't poison people, but some are allergic to bee stings.

Do bee stings leave scars?

Bee stings do not usually leave scars.

Are bee stings hard to remove?

Bee stings are usually not hard to remove. Take a rigid card (for example a credit card,) and gently scrape along the skin opposite to the direction it entered until it comes out. Don't try to take it out with tweezers because you may crack the stinger causing more "poison" to get into the bloodstream and you may leave fragments of the stinger in the skin. Generally, the "poison" is not actually poisonous unless the person is allergic to bee stings.

When a bee stings you does it get very itchy?

Yes, bee stings often swell and then itch.

How dangerous is the cow killer ant?

Actually, yes and no. Cow killers are actually wingless wasps, so if you are allergic to bee stings, it could be lethal. If your not, it will just hurt like hell for an hour.

How does copper remove bee stings?

it is a special chemical inside the copper that removes bee stings

What happens if a bee stings?

The bee dies

What is special about a bee?

A Bee stings and taste its nectar

How does a person get allergies?

A person gets allergies if they are allergic to pollin, bee stings, poison ive, or any thing else that will agurvate the eyes, nose, or others

Can you give 3 examples of neutralisation in the home?

if you put vinegar on wasp stings it will help because wasp stings have alkali in it and vinegar is a weak acid but bee stings are different they are acidic so if you put toothpaste on it it will help (try not to get bee stings mixed up with wasp stings because it will hurt even more if you put toothpaste on wasp stings or vinegar on bee stings)

What is the poison of honey bee?

Yes. Bee venom is poisonous but, ignoring any possible allergic reaction, the sting from a small number of bees will not be enough to do any harm. But stings from a large number of bees, in the order of hundreds, can prove fatal. The record number of stings one person has received and still survived was 2,243.

How do you treat ground bee stings?

For all bee stings, first start by removing the stinger. Place a cold compress to soothe the area and reduce swelling. If you have an allergy, seek medical attention immediately.