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Q: Do Men have a longer life expectancy?
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Do women have a longer life expectancy than men?


What is the life expectancy for cubian people?

The life expectancy for a someone in Cuba is about 77.08 years. Women have a slightly longer life expectancy than men in that island nation.

Who lives the longest in Ireland men or women?

Women have a longer life expectancy.

What statement is true in health?

women have a longer life expectancy than men

What is the life expectancy of men and women in Costa Rica?

women's life expectancy is 79 men's life expectancy is 74 women live longer because they don't work much like the men.

Who will survive life longer men or women?

The average life expectancy in the United States is 78.4 years. Women tend to live 6.7 years longer than men.

Life expectancy for men and women?

78 and 6 weeks women probbly live longer

What is the life expectancy in Nunavut?

As recently as 1996, the life expectancy for men was 67 and for women, 72. This is in contrast to Canada's life expectancy at the time, which was 75 for men and 85 for women.

What was the life expectancy of men in 1915?

The life expectancy for men in 1915 was around 49 years. However, life expectancy varies depending on factors such as location, social class, and access to healthcare.

What is the life expectancy of Russia?

The average life expectancy for Russian men is less than 59 years - 58 years and 11 months. The life expectancy for Russian women is 72 years.

What is the life expectancy of Israel's men and women?

Life Expectancy; 76.69 male, 80.84 female

What is Madagascar's life expectancy rate?

the life expectancy of Madagascar is women 62 men 59