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Yes! You should always wear goggles to protect your eyes. The lights in a tanning bed can damage them very easily regardless of whether or not there is a face tanning system.

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Q: Do I need to wear protective goggles in a tanning bed that doesn't have a separate face tanning system?
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You can. I work in a tanning salon and people ask this all the time. The UV light doesn't do anything to hurt your iPod, just make sure it doesnt get too hot. Set it on a towel or on the floor, out of the bed.

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there is this guy and he is oh so fine. man its really awesome he probably doesnt know i exist but i dont care.

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it doesnt make you walk like a drunk, it just makes you see like 1 ! yes it dose and apparently you have never tried them

Can regular tanning oil be used in a tanning bed?

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