

Do I need to live

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Do I need to live
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What do you need to live?

To live we need Water, food, and shelter.

Do you need mold to live?

Nooo, but you do need some germs to live.

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What humans need to live?

10 things people need to do to live1. All living things need air to live.2. All living things need clean water to drink. 3. All need food to eat to live. 4. All living things need shelter to live. 5. All living things need animals to live. 6. All living things need homes to live. 7. All things need the sun to live. 8. All things need earth to live. 9. All things need warm weather to live. 10. All living things need colder weather to live.

Why do you need trees to live?

You need trees to live because they are the biggest plant to give oxygen.And you all need oxygen to breathe, to live.

What is the difference between wants and needs in a relationship?

Want: You don't need it to live Need: You need it to live

What do spiders need to live?

Spiders need food (insects), water, shelter (usually a web or hiding spot), and a suitable environment with the right temperature and humidity levels to survive. They also need to avoid predators and hazards to stay safe.

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How many kidneys do you need to live?

You need 1 healthy kidney to live

What do humans need to sustain life?

Humans need a constant supply of clean water, nutritious food, adequate shelter, and access to healthcare in order to sustain life. Oxygen, warmth, and social interactions are also important for overall well-being.

Do animals need a habitat to live?

Yes, all animals need habitat to live.

What you need to live?

To be able to live you would need food, oxygen, trees, etc....!!