It is not right to judge characteristic by countrymen, everyone has temper limits only some get alittle too rough and arrogant but it varies per individual. So am gonna say its not only Germans, we've got Africans, Mexicans etc We all do angry at some point.
Do Germans have hot tempers? translates as Haben die Deutschen hitzige Temperamente? or Sind die Deutschen Hitzköpfe? (lit. are Germans hotheads?)
That is the same thing as asking if Americans have bad tempers. Some do, some don't.
They have tempers if they are handled improperly, barely handled or you're invading their territory.
There are many myths about redheads. One myth is that they all have hot tempers, but the truth is that anyone can have a bad temper.
Germans have to be on time to everything or they think that it is bad for them
People may have bad tempers due to underlying emotional issues, stress, lack of coping mechanisms, or unresolved anger. Genetics, upbringing, and environment can also contribute to a person's temperament. A bad temper can be managed through self-awareness, therapy, stress-reduction techniques, and developing healthy communication skills.
There's nothing special about Germans either anatomically or biochemically. The same foods that are bad for humans generally are also bad for Germans. And of course there will be some who have food allergies and things like that. But that's related to person, not nationality or ethnicity.
It is not accurate or fair to make generalizations about the temperaments of people based on their nationality or gender. Just like individuals from any other group, Mexican women have a range of personalities and traits that are not solely defined by stereotypes. It's important to treat every person as an individual and not make assumptions based on stereotypes.
Their tempers
Hades, the god of the Underworld, is constantly portrayed as evil. There are no other "evil" gods or goddesses, although many of them had quick tempers.
Assume that these two statements are true: All brown-haired men have bad tempers. Harry is a brown-haired man. The statement that Harry has a bad temper is: True False Insufficient information to tell.