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Sure they do, it's nothing wrong with a girl being shy, but u can't be too affraid to open up, cause then it makes the guy think ur not interested.

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Q: Do Black guys like shy White girls?
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This is a bit of a loaded question. Not all white guys think black girls are ugly. There are probably some white guys that do not find black girls attractive, just like there are some that do not find red heads attractive, or girls that are tall, or girls that are short. Different people are attracted to different things. There are plenty of interracial relationships throughout the world. There are white guys that are only attracted to white girls. There are white guys that have no racial preference, and just go for the girls they happen to like. There are also white guys that are only attracted to black girls. To say that all white guys think all black girls are ugly is just false. It is an over generalization.

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I think it is the black guys go for the white girls with big butts. The girls can't help how their butt looks and the size of the butt doesn't make you like a certain race.

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they like the fact that they are in the same race. the fact that only they can fully understand how it is to be black.

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The same way they would like black girls. Emotions are the same.

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Yes, Black guys like girls feet.

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Sometimes it is nice to experiment, and also personality.

Do Black guys like Gothic girls?

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