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rheumatic fever may lead to cardiomegaly (enlarged heart). be sure to notify all medical care givers in the future that you have had this condition. even your dentist. take prophylactic antibiotics anytime you go in to have dental work done. (precautionary measure to prevent an infection of the heart). can lead to valve problems later in life. requires periodic ekg's and evaluation by a physician.

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Q: Discharge teaching for patient withrheumatic fever?
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In malaria fever the patient trampling feel cold and in dengue fever patient feels pain in all body , pain in joints and headache.

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uh, fever? Generally a fever; in medical speak a patient with a fever is pyrexic- pyrexia is a fever.

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it is called dengue haemorraghic fever

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because of infection, if there is an infection, probably it has bacteria that cause fever to the patient.

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Potential complications of managing fever in a dying patient include discomfort, increased metabolic demand, and potential confusion. Treatment options may include medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, cooling measures such as fans or ice packs, and addressing underlying causes of the fever. It is important to consider the patient's comfort and quality of life when managing fever in a dying patient.

When a patient is experiencing a fever the what resets the body temperature set point?

When a patient has a fever it is usually a sign that there is an infection, bacteria or virus in the patientÕs body. To reduce the fever there are medications like Tylenol and cooling techniques to reset the normal temperature.

When a patient is experiencing a fever what resets the body's temperature set point?

When a patient has a fever it is usually a sign that there is an infection, bacteria or virus in the patientÕs body. To reduce the fever there are medications like Tylenol and cooling techniques to reset the normal temperature.

What are the similarities of a tapeworm and malaria?

In both the diseases, fever may start with slow onset. Patients suffering from both of them complain of headache. Patients suffering from both will have mild spenomegaly at some stage of fever. ( Usually at the end of week.) Both fevers have leucopenia in peripheral smear. Fever will never rise above 104 degree Fahrenheit in typhoid fever. And patient of typhoid fever will get 'toxic' in about 7 days of fever. At 104 degree Fahrenheit temperature he will need assistance of two persons to go to toilet as against patient of malarial fever. Patient of malarial fever can walk to longer distance without assistance. The experienced doctor can tell from the face of the patient that he is suffering from typhoid fever or not.

Can alkaline water help dengue fever patient?
