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If you have a boyfriend, and your in the same bed as him, chances are you might have a love connection( have big feelings for each other in 2 seconds) and have sexual intercourse(sex).

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Q: Disadvantage of sharing a bed with someone?
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Name a disadvantage for sharing a bed with someone?


Name a disadvantage of sharing the bed with someone?


A distavantage of sharing a bed with someone?

One disadvantage of sharing a bed with someone is one gets to share the covers with the other. Another disadvantage is dealing with the other's snoring.

Name a disavantige of sharing a bed with someone?

no disadvantage its all nice if its sum one nice

What is a disadvantage with sharing a bed?

Snoring talking in sleep

Name a disadvantage of sharing a bed with some one?


Name a disadvantage of sharing a bed?

Not enough room or the person snores

A disadvatage sharing a bed with someone?

Sleep wild

Name a disadvantege of sharing a bed with someone?

snoring and sicknessess

What is one disadvantage of sharing a bed with someone?

For example, if a person has a problem with wanting their own personal space and the bed either being big or small but the person moves a lot in their sleep then it may interrupt the partner's sleep and thus being uncomfortable.

What is sleeping with someone?

Sleeping with someone is usually referring to the act of sexual intercourse. It can also (although not usually) refer to sharing a bed with someone in a non-sexual way.

Name a disadvantageof sharing a bed with someone?

They sometimes take up all of bed or they steal all of the duvet! Even worse though some people fart!