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their both 3.5 its the same thing how many grams in an 8 ballof cocaine?

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Q: Difference in grams of a ball of cocaine and an eight ball of cocaine?
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Eight ball of cocaine?

3.5 grams. Cocaine is such a stupid drug.

Why is it called an 8 ball of cocaine?

An 8 ball is a package of cocaine that weighs 1/8 of an ounce.

How many grams are in half an 8 ball of cocaine?

An 8 ball refers to an eighth of an ounce of cocaine, so 3.5 grams

What does an eight ball of crystal meth weigh?

The term "eight ball" refers to a quantity of cocaine or crystal meth that is equal to an eighth of an ounce, which is equivalent to 3.5 grams.

Worlds biggest line of cocaine?

I did 3.5 grams or a ball

How many grams of cocaine are there in a 8-ball?

Three and a half.

How many 20 of cocaine in an 8 ball?

an eightball is an eight of an ounce. it weighs 3.5 grams. a 20 is about 0.4 grams. depending on all kinds of variables from your relationship to the dealer to how much he picks up at wholesale price and availability and quality so there is anywhere from about 10- 15

How many grams in a 8ball of crack?

An 8-ball of crack cocaine typically weighs around 3.5 grams.

How much does eightball weight?

an "eight ball" weighs 3.5 grams.....what u say??? it refers to it being an eighth of an ounce. Ounce=28 grams- 1/8 of an ounce is 3.5 grams and you get an "eight ball."

What does a ball of cocaine weigh?

8ball of coke (powder form) weights 3.5 grams

How many grams in an 8 ball?

An 8 ball is slang for 3.5 grams of Cocaine HCL. Of course some dealers will give less, but the correct weight is 3.5 grams or 35 decigrams (points).Read more: 8 ball is 1/8 of an ounce, hence the 8

How many grams are in an 8 ball of cocaine and how much is an 8 ball?

3.5 grams and price varies by location. Why do you want to know?