a joint family is parents, children, grandchildren, uncles, and their offspring sharing a common dwelling & an extended family is all of your family under one household
Distal interphalengeal joint & Proximal interphalengeal joint
An Extended Family is different generations living under one roof.
The opposite of a joint family is a nuclear family. In a nuclear family, the household consists of only the parents and their children, without extended family members living together.
Nuclear family is a small family while joint family is a big family. In nuclear family the husband and wife has to bear all the responsibility while in joint family the burden is shared. In joint family one member acts as kartha or the family leader who takes major decision for the family matters.
joint family are big family. but single family are small. I think that small famliy are good.In small family there is no problem.and all work do in our choice.
joint-stock company
Core muscles are in your core joint muscles are in your arms and legs
No, extension usually increases the angle between two bones. When a joint is extended, it is straightened, which increases the angle between the two bones connected by the joint.
The difference between joint sets and disjoint sets is the number of elements in common. A disjoint set, in math, does not any elements in common. A joint set must have at least one number in common.
the amount of spunk produced.