it's be 15 years yes i still think yolanda shot Selena on perpose because Selena fold out that yolanda stole money out of her fan club and told her yolanda was fired then yolanda pull a gun out and Selena tried to run and then yolanda shot her in the back.Selena Perez [1971-1995]
Selena was shot at cause of a fight that was going on between yolanda and Selena as Selena turned away to leave the room yolanda pulled out a gun and shot Selena
Yolanda Saldivar
yolanda saldivar!yes the president of Selena's fan club!
Her name was not Selena Gomez it was Selena Quintanilla, and her Boutique manager Yolanda shot her.
yolanda killed Selena because selenas father found out from co-workers that yolanda had took 30,000 dollars and naturally Selena was mad and Selena confronted yolanda in the motel room and said "you took money and i don't wanna be your friend no more" so yolanda was triggerd and she thought that she could be as famouse as Selena so she bought a ring for Selena Selena exepted the ring and then in the motel room yolanda shot Selena in the back and in the emergency truck Selena was able to to identify the killer before she was prounonced DEAD......... no yolanda is in prison for life and still suspecs that she did not!!!!!!!!!!1 rip Selena quintinilla and DIE SOON yolanda salvadiaer
Yolanda saldivar shot Selena because she was jealous of her fame!
Because Yolanda saldiver shot her of jelesy
it is based on Selena she was a singer and she was shot by her jealous manager Yolanda when she was expecting a baby...
Yolanda Saldívar She shot Selena in 1995
Selena thought that Yolanda was a good friend and she was, until she literally shot Selena in the back, and Yolanda has a history of emotional and psychological problems, for Yolanda was often teased and bullied as a child and had literally no friends
because Yolanda her fan club president shoot her because Selena had prove in that she Yolanda had stolen from the fan club and her also once Selena fired Yolanda she pulled out a pistol and shot her in the back and then later died but stayed away long enough to state that Yolanda had killed her
Yolanda Saldivar.YOLANDA SALDVIR KILLED SELENA BECAUSE SHE HAD AN OBSESSION OVER HER. she killed her over $30,000 Yolanda was caught stealing from Selena and her Fans and was facing possible charges..she thought she could be like Selena, but when she found out Selena wasn't as nieve was she had hoped she silenced her forever with a bullet!!yes! yolanda saldvir killed Selena because she was stealing from her and then Selena found out fired her or whatever and then she got jealous and killed Selena with the gun she bought withSelena's money!