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Q: Did mastubrating cause imunity low
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Is mastubrating bad for teeths?

not at all unless your gritting your teeth regularly

Which form of imunity is obtained by an attack of an infectious disease?


What is active imunity?

the production of antibodies against a specific agent by the immune system.

How can acid rain harms trees?

the high alklinity of the rain damages the tree and weakens it imunity and its systems

What is the effect of viruses in the human?

it depend on type of vruses and their tropism.Flue viruses it afect cells in our larinx and the sympoms are very knowed for us.In other hand Hiv it infect our imunity cell bringin the organizm in a state of imunity deficence.A lot of people that have aquired hiv have problems with infection due to low number of leucocytes that are destroyed by hiv viruses.

What is imunity card?

The immunity cards refer to the cards that are usually issued by the immigration department that gives the holder some preferred treatment.

When a MCH is high and an RBC is low what can cause this?

When a MCH and an RBC and WBC is low, what can cause this"

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yes it can cause low tire pressure

Can shingles cause low white blood count?

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Does Ice chewing cause low potassium?

No, ice chewing does not cause one to have low potassium. If you have low potassium, you need to talk with your doctor.

Can aides cause low platelets?

AIDS is a syndrome. HIV is the infection. Yes it can cause low platelets.