Leontyne Price's birth name is Mary Leontyne Price.
name '2'places where Leontyne Price performed at?
Leontyne Price was born on February 10, 1927.
leontyne price did not die she is still alive
many people were inspired by leontyne price because of her personality and voice
Leontyne Price is 90 years old (birthdate: February 10, 1927).
Leontyne Price grew up in laruel mississippi on the dusty mississippi road
Leontyne Price's was born February 10, 1927, so she will be 85 in 2012.
The cast of Christmas at Kennedy Center with Leontyne Price - 1982 includes: Leontyne Price as herself Richard Thomas as Himself - Host
Leontyne Price
The cast of Leontyne Price and the Spirituals - 1979 includes: Kevette Cartledge as Herself (singer) Leontyne Price as Herself (singer) Lilian White as Herself (singer)