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Q: Did good and bad creatures existed?
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Are they good creatures or bad creature.

How man can able to distinguished or to know what is good or bad?

of all creatures only the man has the capacity to distinguished good or bad action

Did vampires exists now in India?

they never existed, they are mythological creatures.

Are buffalo bad creatures?

Buffalo are the worst creatures.

Is a muse good or bad?

While none of the Greek divinities were wholly good or wholly bad, the Muses generally existed as sources of inspiration for artists of all kinds. I can't think of anything bad that can come from that.

What so good about a vampire?

Vampires make an entertaining topic for works of fiction or drama; if you don't believe me, watch the TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Of course, if vampires actually existed, they would be very bad things indeed. But as mythical creatures, they are fun to think about.

Are mermaids evil or good or normal?

While mermaids - and mermen - are mythological creatures, they are regarded as "normal", in that they are neither good or bad as a whole.

What marine creatures lived during the Jurassic period?

Marine creatures like sharks existed in the Jurassic. Marine reptiles like icthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and thalattosuchians also existed. Thalattosuchians are fully marine reptiles.

Where can Gryphons be found?

Nowhere. They never existed. Gryphons are myths and imaginary creatures.

Is hunting a good thing for and against facts?

it's bad thing and a good thine if you hunt you can cook what hunt unless it's eatable but the bad thing is your killing god's creatures!

How did dragons die out on earth?

Dragons, as depicted in fables, have never existed. They are fantasy creatures.

What is a synonym for was?

According to the Thesaurus there are none. === "existed" works in some cases, Example; A bad odor was in the room == A bad odor existed in the room.