She, in fact has not died. Also, I belive the correct way to say it would be "Has Nikki Grimes died?"
nikki grimes died
Nikki Grimes is 60 years old. She was born on October 20, 1950.
Nikki Grimes
October 28 1950
Books by Nikki Grimes are still modern and not in the public domain. This means they cannot legally be read online for free. However, some of Nikki Grimes books are available to be purchased in eBook form. See the related link below for more information.
Her parents are James and Bernice McMillan.
Nikki Grimes, an award-winning author of children's and young adult literature, enjoys writing poetry, painting, and playing the piano. She is passionate about using her creativity in different forms of art.
She is an author who has written many books. You can go on her website
Denis Grimes died in 1920.
Ray Grimes died in 1953.
Tiny Grimes died in 1989.