no she did not ;; I wish people would get there mouth off GODS PEOPLE and PRAY .
at Starbucks
Her first husband name was Micheal,and I think he's dead..
He's Prophetess Juanita Bynum's brother
Juanita Bynum was born on January 16, 1959.
what is Juanita Bynum ministry phone number
At a women's conference, Juanita Bynum announced that her mentor is Dr. Cindy Trimm.
At a women's conference, Juanita Bynum announced that her mentor is Dr. Cindy Trimm.
No, Jennifer Bynum is not related to Juanita Bynum.......JB
Andrew Bynum is a professional basketball player, and Juanita Bynum is a televangelist, actress, author, and gospel singer. The two are not related.
Evangelist Juanita Bynum was married to Thomas Weeks from 2002 to 2008. Juanita Bynum is also an author, actress and gospel singer.