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Q: Did Fred hollows face any problems?
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Did Fred hollows face any obstacles in his work?

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Did Fred hollows face any obstacles in his work Please give examples?

yes yes he did

Does Fred hollows have any brothers?

Yes Fred Hollows did have brothers and their names are Colin, John and Maurice...

Did Fred hollows have any children with Mary Skiller?

No, but he had five children with his second wife, Gabi Hollows.

Did Fred hollows have any sisters?

yes he had Colin, John and Maurice.

Was Fred Hollows a prophet?

no, he was only known for restoring eyesight to those around the world, he has a foundation. Fred Hollows was not even religious. He was reported as saying that he was a humanist and did not believe in any higher power than the best expressions of the human spirit.

Did Fred Flintstone have any siblings?

Yes , he was one of four brothers and they were Colin , Jon and Maurice Hollows. The parents were Joseph and Clarice Hollows

Are there any Problems with i-pods?

Your face

Did Dmitri mendeleev face any problems?

growth problems

What contribution did Fred hollows make to science?

HE contributed by inventing a medicicne that cures any injurine anywhere. But mostly it is for lost vision ( people who have lost their eye sight)

Did balboa the explorer face any special problems when he was exploring?

well he did face some problems although he was still alright.

What was Fred hollows biggest discovery or invention?

he didnt discovery any thing but he discovered that he wants to help other with their eyeproblems he wanted to help the poors and the people in need and he did soo he was such a help to everyone :)