Romero never married but made frequent appearances at Hollywood events escorting actresses such as Joan Crawford, Linda Darnell, Barbara Stanwyck, Lucille Ball, Ann Sheridan, Jane Wyman, or Ginger Rogers; however, he was almost always described in interviews and articles as a "confirmed bachelor".Many Hollywood historians have identified Romero as a closeted gay man.Marlene Dietrich was quoted as observing that Romero was, "the undisputed queen of homosexuals. I don't think there was a gay actor in all Hollywood who hadn't been there."
She was jealous of Zeus' love for other women She would heartlessly torture women that Zeus had affairs with.
Yeah it is possible. The thing is when you are not satiisfied with your partner emotionally, physically & pyschologically; you (especially women)tend to have extra martial affairs just to get the true love & affection that you are not been able to get it from your present partner. This thing goes for women only. Though 99% women go for extra marital affairs for all these love related problems but 1% of women go for affairs only for sex.
My mamaa
Love Affairs was created on 1983-03-21.
it means I love Serena
Little Love Affairs was created in 1987-08.
In Greek mythology the king of the gods, Zeus, was 'in love' with a mortal. He had a baby with her, but he'd had many affairs with other women so it was highly doubtful he was actually in love.
He felt in love with franceska lol =)
She would allow female, usually young female, to join her hunt. Granting them immortality, but not allowing them to be in any love affairs.
Bob's Love Affairs - 1915 was released on: USA: 9 October 1915
Okay here is the truth Cesar Chavez did love use that much that he made a huge impact. =0