Floating Objects are objects that are less densethan water.
an eye examination or because the patient has noticed that they are having problems with their peripheral vision--that is, they are having trouble seeing objects at the side or out of the corner of the eye. In
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Those objects are called asteroids.
The force of gravity between an object and Earth keeps objects from floating into space. Gravity acts as a force of attraction that pulls objects towards Earth's center, preventing them from drifting off into space.
The volume of liquid displaced has the same mass as the floating object.
These white floating spots are most likely floaters, which are tiny protein strands or cell clusters in the gel-like fluid of the eye. They cast shadows on the retina, appearing as small, moving objects in your field of vision. They are usually harmless, but consult an eye care professional if you notice a sudden increase in floaters or flashes of light.
Floating shelving would be fine for lighter objects. If you want to put heavier objects on the shelves then regular shelves are recommended because they are more sturdy.
Fluorescien staining
the eye lashes protects the eye from on coming objects