well antidepressant pills such as zanax, valium, klonapin,(these r tha best) and some others including there generic versions are very similar to drinking alcohol. they are kind of addicting tho when u use them alot and really get u twisted when u mix them with alcohol and in most of the time you prolly wont really remember much of what happend that night hahahaha. so the answer is yes they aare similar to the effects of alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant
well antidepressant pills such as zanax, valium, klonapin,(these r tha best) and some others including there generic versions are very similar to drinking alcohol. they are kind of addicting tho when u use them alot and really get u twisted when u mix them with alcohol and in most of the time you prolly wont really remember much of what happend that night hahahaha. so the answer is yes they aare similar to the effects of alcohol
Yes you can but it isnt recommended because mixing CNS stimulants and depressants can be very dangerous to your health. Have fun and be safe!
It is not recommended that you consume alcohol when taking Cefdinir because alcohol will increase the side effects of the medication. For example you would get really drowsy and really dizzy. It would not kill you but it is still very unsafe. Also Cefdinir and alcohol are both depressants, combining two depressants is generally a bad thing to do. There have been cases where people combine depressants with alcohol and the people ended up hurting themselves. Also the medication slows the rate the alcohol is broken down by your liver as both of the drugs get broken down by your liver. So it isn't a good idea to drink alcohol with Cefdinir.
Depressants. aka things such as alcohol, heroine, & many other drugs.
It is advisable to avoiddrinkin to much alcohol if you are taking predisone as both drugs are very bad for the kineys.
If you're taking any anti depressants that might show a false positive as they are usually very similar compounds.
Yes, but be VERY conservative. NEVER get drunk. Topamax can have cns depressant effects which can be unpredictably affected by alcohol.
Bad Mix, Both Heroin and Vodka are Central Nervous System Depressants. Heroin depresses the nervous system in the brain and too much may slow breathing. Alcohol also depresses the nervous system. By combing heroin and alcohol; the effects of both drugs combine and double in nervous system depressing effects; therefore there is a high chance you could die. Again Don't even try to mix the two, very deadly combination.
The side effects are going to be very similar to that of starvation. The primary effects are going to be headache and dizziness.
Your co-workers become very attractive-looking.
Alcohol (drinking alcohol) rapidly affects the cell membrane. It is soluble in fat and so rapidly passes into the cells causing effects.