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The easy way to cut down on illegal drug use is to have fewer illegal drugs.

Marijuana was not illegal as a recreational drug until some time in the 1930's, and was made illegal for largely racist reasons.

Bad laws get broken; best not to pass bad laws.

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Q: Cut down on illegal drug use?
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What can law enforcement do to cut down on illegal drug use?

shut down all factories and if they refuse give them a massive fine there one way suprised noone thought of it i think it's stupid

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The DEA(drug enforcement agency) deals with most illegal drug cases

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Is illegal drug use thought to be important?

yes. they have drug rehab centers all over the world for people that use illegal drugs.

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Because the drugs people use bring them down to reality and it makes them smarter than someone who is trying to catch the person who is getting the illegal drug.

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Actwualy yes illegal drug use is a bigger problem. Due to this thousands of americans are being arrested for illegal drug use. Its worse then drunk driving.

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Unfortunatley it was banned for illegal and constant drug use

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In many places, the drug MDMA, commonly known as Molly, is illegal without a prescription due to its classification as a controlled substance. It is often associated with illegal drug use and is not approved for medical use in most countries.