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Cherries are popped only by penises my dear, not by falling or fingers.

You can tear your hymen in many ways . Masturbating, falling onto something hard, like you bicycle seat , or astride a tree limb. Some hymens are fragile as tissue and others tough as leather. Have A GYN check-up .

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Q: Could you pop your cherry by falling and what ways of falling like how?
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Could you pop your cherry by just falling and how?

Yes, it happens alot more than most people think. The most common ways are hitting that area hard - bicycle wreck, gymnastics fall, roller skating, doing a splits and twisting the wrong way and so on . . .

How could they pop your cherry without even hurting you?

You can use a carrot or you can get your man to finger you. That is so way that can help to minims the pain. If that dose not work use the Paine of you man to pop your cherry and then you can have to pain tables. so there are some ways that can help to minims the pain in popping your cherry thank you. :)

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can i pretty pretty please with a cherry on top have some help.

Can a girl not have a cherry?

The Cherry is a slang term for the virginity. The simplistic way of seeing that the cherry is gone is when the hymen is broken however this is not an accurate way of knowing that a girl has had sex before as there are many ways that the hymen can be broken long before it has seen a penis in it. So you can safely say that a virgin does not have what they refer to as the cherry.