What actors and actresses appeared in Trashed... - 2007?
The cast of Trashed... - 2007 includes: Lee Addleman as Himself
- Vice President of Business Development, Waste Management Kathy
Angerer as Herself - (D)-Michigan Legislature Bob Besso as Himself
- Norcal Waste Systems, California Liz Brater as Herself -
(D)-Michigan Legislature Kris Candour as Himself - Freegan Shelley
Carroll as Himself - Toronto City Council Works Committee Chair Ted
Cudney as Himself - Indiana Resident Fighting Landfill Expansion
Craig DeRoche as Himself - (R)-Speaker, Michigan Legislature Thomas
Easterly as Himself - Commissioner, Indiana Department of
Environmental Management Nicole Jain Capizzi as Farmer Janet
Kalisch as Herself - Freegan Bill Kutschera as Himself - Indiana
Resident Fighting Landfill Expansion Rod Muir as Himself - Sierra
Club of Canada Madeline Nelson as Herself - Freegan David Palsrok
as Himself - (R)-Michigan Legislature, Land Use Environmental Chair
Melinda Uerling as Herself - Recycle Ann Arbor Brad Van Guilder as
Himself - Ecology Center, Michigan Helen Wean as Herself - Indiana
Resident Fighting Landfill Expansion