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yes. amino acids can be coded for by more that one codon.

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Q: Could two humans have some differences in their DNA sequences for insulin yet still make the exact same insulin proteins?
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Could 2 humans have some differences in their DNA sequence for insulin yet still make the exact same insulin proteins?

Yes, it is possible for two humans to have different DNA sequences for insulin but still produce the exact same insulin proteins. This is because the genetic code is degenerate, meaning that different DNA sequences can code for the same amino acid. As long as the variations in the DNA sequence do not affect the amino acid sequence of the insulin protein, the end product will be the same.

What is differ ence between the amino acid sequences of the hemoglobin in humans and the hemoglobin in frogs?

The amino acid sequences of hemoglobin in humans and frogs are different due to evolutionary divergence. While both hemoglobins are composed of similar building blocks (amino acids), the specific sequence of amino acids varies between species. This divergence in sequence reflects the adaptation of these proteins to meet the specific oxygen-carrying needs of each species.

How are nucleotide sequences used to put organisms in evolutionary order?

When comparing nucleotide sequences in organisms, we find that the organisms that have less differences in their nucleotide sequences are closer related in the evolutionary tree. By this we mean that the common ancestor from which these two organisms evolved is more modern than the ancestor they might share with an organism that shows more difference in the DNA sequencing. Example: the chimps and humans share a common ancestor that is relatively modern because the difference in their nucleotide sequences is just about 1% but the differences between the nucleotide sequence of humans and fish shows lots of differences which shows their common ancestor y much older than the one with chimps.

Pros and cons of gm insulin?

gm insulin is specific to humans unlike animal insulin which is specific to that animal

How much DNA do humans have in common with a tree?

Humans and trees have approximately 25% of their DNA in common due to shared genes inherited from a common ancestor. The differences in DNA sequences account for the diverse traits and characteristics that distinguish humans from trees.

How are humans are nearly identical genetically in coding sequences but have unique DNA fingerprints?

Humans share about 99.9% of their DNA coding sequences, which are responsible for creating proteins. However, the remaining 0.1% accounts for individual differences and includes variations in non-coding regions, such as enhancers and promoters, contributing to different traits and potential genetic markers known as DNA fingerprints. These unique variations can be used for identification purposes because they are highly specific to each individual.

Why are proteins required for children?

Almost every essential function in humans is carried out by proteins; all humans need proteins.

Which molecule from humans is inserted into bacteria to cause them to produce insulin?

The human gene that codes for insulin is inserted into bacteria to produce insulin. The gene is typically inserted into a plasmid vector, which allows the bacteria to express the human insulin gene and produce insulin. This technique is used in biotechnology to create recombinant bacteria that can produce insulin for medical use.

Does human insulin come from a human or an animal?

Humans, who are not diabetic, make the insulin they need within their own bodies.

Human only have about which gene?

Humans have approximately 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. These genes are responsible for encoding proteins that play various roles in the functioning of our bodies. Each of these genes is made up of DNA sequences that determine specific traits and characteristics of an individual.

What produces insulin that can be used to treat diabetes in humans?


How can humans and cows have amino acid chains that are similar?

Humans and cows both share a common ancestry, so they have similar genetic makeup including the genes responsible for producing proteins like amino acid chains. These genetic similarities result in similar amino acid sequences in proteins that are essential for various biological functions in both humans and cows.