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Q: Could stomach of baby grow out of a mans belly?
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Where does your baby began to grow in your stomach?

Though children learn to call the entire belly the "stomach", the whole belly is technically called the abdomen. The organ, stomach, is in the top of the abdomen near your ribs. A baby grows in the organ, the uterus. The uterus is in the lowest part of the abdomen, near your pubic bone. The uterus is sort of like a balloon; as the baby grows, the uterus expands upward, toward the organ the stomach.

Why does baby not grow in their mother's stomach during pregnancy?

Babies grow in the uterus, not the stomach. Otherwise they would be digested.

Does the baby start to grow about an inch under the belly button?

No, above.

Is it true if you don't say your pregnant then your belly will stay small?

No...being pregnant means your belly will grow with the baby no matter what

Does the baby grow inside uterus or stomach?

The uterus is the organ in which babies grow. vs. Food get digested in the stomach.

Will the mother sim belly grow on sims 2?

if you mean a pregnant sim, then yes. on the sims 2 for the PC, if a sim gets pregnant, her belly will get bigger about 24 sim hours after your sims "try for baby" then her belly will grow again in about another 24 sim hours, and then after another 24 sim hours your sim will have her baby.

What will happen if you eat too many seeds?

You will probably get a stomach ache. Don't worry! A flower won't grow inside of your belly.

Why shouldn't you smoke when you are pregnant?

Because the baby has a high risk of dying inside the others vagina and the baby does not grow in the mothers belly it is grown in the vagina.

Do babies in their mothers stomach burst bladder?

Firstly babies do not grow in the stomach, but in the uterus. Naturally, as a baby grows, pressure is exerted on surrounding organs but no, it is not in usual circumstances that a baby can burst the mother's bladder.

What are the stages of a baby in the stomach?

A baby does not grow in the stomach. It grows in the uterus. The stages are: . First trimester (weeks 1-12) . Second trimester (weeks 13-26) . Third trimester (weeks 27-40)

If you were born again would you have 2 belly buttons?

if you were born again you would have half of a belly button cause when you are in your moms stomach you have half a belly button when you are born you grow the other if you were only born you would have half but if you went through the process of you in your mom you would have 2 whole belly buttons

Does the stomach stretch?

Yes, the stomach does grow. If the stomach did not grow, you would eat less and less because you would get fuller quicker. Plus if your stomach did not grow, you would eventually starve to death. Samantrha Booth Age:11