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If the sun were to be extinguised right now, just about every living thing would die.

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Q: Could humans survive without the sunlight?
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Could humans survive without sunlight?

no you need the sunlight for vit d the gives you that. that is why you need the sunlight

Could bees survive without humans?

Yes because they survive on plant, not human.

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What type of flower could survive the longest without being in soil or having water or sunlight?

The flower that could survive the longest without water or sunlight would be a cactus. Now, you agreed to exotic gifts! Cacti have interesting looking shapes. You could get him a weird looking cactus. That would be funny, exotic and it would survive!

Could life life on the Earth survive without the sun?

No, plants cannot survive without sunlight, herbivores cannot survive without plants, and I don't think carnivores and omnivores can survive without herbivores. Besides, they would all freeze to death within a few days anyway.

Could humans survive without arable land?

Not at this point in our existence. Back when there weren't very many humans, we could survive by being hunter-gatherers and not farmers. But now the there are so many people on the planet, we must have arable land to farm.

Can humans survive without any medication?

It depends upon the illness of the human. Humans have great survival instinct and this cause them to survive for thousands of generation. However some illnesses and diseases also could threatened humans good health, eh.

How long can you survive by only eating snow?

Eating snow alone is not a sustainable source of nutrition and can actually lower your body temperature. It can lead to hypothermia and dehydration. You would not be able to survive on snow alone for an extended period of time.

How is the sun an energy source?

The sun produces heat and light. Without both of these most things on Earth could not live. Sunlight helps our plants grow. Bacteria, Protozoa, ect. survive by using energy from using sunlight.

Can humans live without photosynthesis?

No, humans cannot live without photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other organisms convert sunlight into energy, which ultimately sustains all life on Earth by producing oxygen and organic molecules that serve as food sources. Without photosynthesis, there would be no oxygen to breathe and no food to eat, making human survival impossible.

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Could humans survive on Pluto?

The extreme conditions on Pluto make it unlikely that humans could survive. Pluto is very cold and icy most of the year. Water is instantly frozen.