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It depends how much you swallow. Clorine is a poisones chemical but you may breeth a little bit. Why would people at pools put a chemical in the water that would kill someone with one gulp.

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Q: Could breathing clorine kill you
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Clorine is never been a metal

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Clorine pools can kill any kind of poison ivy,oak or summac. Pouring gasoline on it can do it 2.

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co2 co so2 clorine

What are ways you can die in your sleep?

Having a heart attack or stroke in your sleep. Severe sleep apnea could kill you if you stopped breathing.

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Breaking of the actual bone is not what kills you. It is damage to tissues, such as the spinal cord. It can interfere with your nervous system, and functions such as breathing and heartbeat.

Can whistling kill you?

If you stop yourself from breathing whilst whistling, then yes it can kill you.

Does the ocean have clorine?
