Google owns YouTube. You can't copy yourself.
Imitation and modeling are two learning tecniques that have been spoken by psychologist such as Albert Bandura and Skinner (conditioning) among others. Learning can be done thru operant conditioning or thru copying and modeling.
Mirror neurons in the brain...when you see someone else indulging in an activity that is pleasurable your brain gets excited with anticipation just as if you were about to do it yourself. This anticipation is too much for some people and they have to feed it by copying the pleasurable behavior.
For instance, revealing confidential information, stealing the ideas of others, copying software, and punching the time clock from home are unethical behaviors. Unauthorized copying of software--software piracy--is stealing.
You can't "clone" yourself on Club Penguin, unless you ask another player to put on the same items as you. But that's called "copying".
Apes and Gorillas learn the majority of their social behavior from watching and copying their parents and other members of their group (they travel around in groups of 5 to 30). This includes: Vocal communication: mainly hooting and grunting. Visual communication: facial expressions etc. Tactile communication: e.g. patting, kissing, embracing, grooming other apes. To learn this social behavior, apes learn much like humans do, by copying those close to them.
Spitting behavior in children can have various reasons, including copying others, exploring their bodies, or seeking attention. It is important to address this behavior calmly and set clear boundaries to discourage it. If the behavior persists or is concerning, consulting a pediatrician or child psychologist may be helpful.
yup! they do. they do what they see.. b'cuz the observing, and then copying skills of children is very good, specially in their growing ages.
I think copying is not cheating forever.
Although putting a notification on it is not required, that can help protect you. Beyond that, the best way to stop people from copying it is to keep it to yourself.
plagiarism=without their permission
No, copying the dictionary is not plagiarism.