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That is your sensory and neuro nerve impulses.

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Q: Conducts messages throughout the body to aid in coordination of body functions?
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Tissue that carries messages throughout our bodies?

The nervous tissue carries messages throughout our bodies. It consists of nerve cells called neurons that transmit electrical signals and support cells called glial cells that provide structural support and nutrition. Messages are passed between neurons through connections called synapses.

Which system sends messages to organs and tissues?

The nervous system sends messages to organs and tissues through electrical signals transmitted by neurons. This allows for communication and coordination within the body to maintain homeostasis and perform various functions.

What is the basic functions of the nervous system?

It is the communication and coordination system of the body:It receives messages from stimuli all over the body.The brain interprets the message.The brain responds to the message and carries out an activity.

What kind of tissue conducts messages from one part of your body to another?

Nervous tissue conducts messages (nerve impulses) throughout the body. It is made up of neurons that transmit electrical signals and support cells called glial cells. This allows for rapid communication between different parts of the body.

What tissue sends messages from brain to body?

The nervous tissue, specifically neurons, are responsible for sending messages from the brain to the body. Neurons transmit electrical impulses that allow for communication throughout the body, facilitating movement, sensation, and coordination.

Type of cell that sends messages quickly?

A type of cell that sends messages quickly is a neuron. Neurons are specialized cells in the nervous system that transmit information through electrical and chemical signals at high speed. This rapid communication allows for the coordination of various physiological functions in the body.

What is the need for the system of control and coordination in an organism?

The maintenance of the body functions in response to changes in the body by working together of various integrated body systems is known as coordination. All the movements that occur in response to stimuli are carefully coordinated and controlled. In animals, the control and coordination movements are provided by nervous and muscular systems. The nervous system sends messages to and away from the brain. The spinal cord plays an important role in the relay of messages. In the absence of this system of control and coordination, our body will not be able to function properly. For example, when we accidentally touch a hot utensil, we immediately withdraw our hand. In the absence of nerve transmission, we will not withdraw our hand and may get burnt.

What is the need for a system of control and coordination in organism?

The maintenance of the body functions in response to changes in the body by working together of various integrated body systems is known as coordination. All the movements that occur in response to stimuli are carefully coordinated and controlled. In animals, the control and coordination movements are provided by nervous and muscular systems. The nervous system sends messages to and away from the brain. The spinal cord plays an important role in the relay of messages. In the absence of this system of control and coordination, our body will not be able to function properly. For example, when we accidentally touch a hot utensil, we immediately withdraw our hand. In the absence of nerve transmission, we will not withdraw our hand and may get burnt.

What controls most of the bodys functions?

The nervous system controls most of the body's functions, including movement, sensory processing, and organ regulation. It consists of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that transmit messages throughout the body to coordinate various activities.

What carry the nerves in the backbone to give a message to the body?

Nerves in the backbone carry messages through electrical signals sent by neurons. These neurons transmit information from the brain to the rest of the body and vice versa, allowing for communication and coordination of bodily functions.

What tissues carry messages throughout our bodies?

Nerve tissues carry messages throughout our bodies. Nerves are responsible for transmitting electrical impulses to and from the brain, allowing us to feel sensations, move our muscles, and regulate bodily functions.

Tissue that carries messages throughout your bodies?
