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Q: Chances being killed in a car?
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What are the chances of being killed in a car crash?

MAYBE,when theres someone who can see you she can take you to the hospital

What are the chances of being in a car accident and being killed by a bomb on the same day?

Depends on where you are in the world. It's much more likely to happen in Iraq than Canada, for example.

Chances of being in a car crash?

1 in 3

How much do seat belts reduce your chances of being killed or injured by?

by a lot

What are the chances being killed by a thief?

um, like 10/10,000. But don't think about that.

What are the chances of a detective being killed or injured?

you know,the chances are big. it`s very dangerous job with all its criminals and attempts to avenge on you

Does talking or texting increase the chances of being in a car accident?

Yes, significantly.

What is the chance of being killed in a car accident?

136.4 to 1

The chances of your being involved in an auto collision during your lifetime in which someone is injured or killed are close to?

1 in 75

Can a car crash of less than 25mph cannot kill you?

A car crash of almost any speed has the potential to kill you depending on what you hit and what may hit you. Your chances of being killed are reduced as the speed reduces, but they really never get to zero, even at zero miles per hour since your car can get hit by another car.