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cells undergo meiosis to produce gametes which are also called your "sex" cells

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Q: Cells undergo meiosis to produce what kind of cells?
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What type of cells undergo meiosis?

Cells which produce gametes (sex cells) undergo meiosis.

Does all the cells within a flower undergo meiosis just prior to pollination?

No. Only the cells that produce the gametes undergo meiosis.

Where do cells undergo meiosis?

The body of cells that undergo meiosis are sex cells. The two sex cells found in most eukaryotic organisms are sperm cell and egg cell.

What boby cells undergo meiosis?

Body cells do not undergo meiosis. Reproductive cells undergo meiosis, body cells, mitosis.

The cells that will eventually undergo meiosis to produce gametes are what?

The cells that will eventually undergo meiosis to produce gametes are called haploid cells. It is a cell that contains one complete set of chromosomes.Ê

What cell undergo meiosis?

reproductive cells or you can also say the 23rd pair in the chromosome of the reproductive cell under goes the meiosis and the 23rd pair is called sex chromosomeGerm cells are the only cells that can undergo meiosis as well as mitosis. Germ cells produce gametes. Eukaryotic organisms that sexually reproduce have cells that undergo meiosis rather than mitosis.

What role do germ cells play in gametogenesis?

They produce cells that divide by mitosis and then undergo meiosis to form gametes.

Cell type which undergoes process meiosis?

Germ cells undergo meiosis to form the gametes.

Is samotic cell both mitosis and meiosis?

Somatic cells undergo mitosis. Sex cells undergo meiosis.

What cells undergo the division of meiosis?

sex cells

What are you making when your cells undergo meiosis?

new cells

What is meiosis and which cells can undergo meiosis?

Somatic cells (body cells) undergo mitosis. An example of this could be a skin cell, as the skin cell replacing the dying skin cell must be an exact clone.Sex cells (gametes) undergo meiosis.Because meiosis results in half the number of chromosomes in it's daughter cells, gametes are the only cells that undergo meiosis in the body.