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Odors, or smells.

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Q: Cells located on the roof of the nasal cavity can detect 4000 different what?
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The cells located on the roof of the nasal cavity can detect 4000 different?

Odors, or smells.

What do the cells located on the roof of the nasal cavity detect?


What are the cells that detect smell called?


Which sense organ has olfactory cells that allow oneself to detect an odor?

The nose is the sense organ that has olfactory cells responsible for detecting an odor. These cells are located in the nasal cavity and respond to the molecules in the air that we inhale.

In what cells does a smell impulse begin?

A smell impulse begins in olfactory receptor cells located in the olfactory epithelium in the nasal cavity. These receptor cells detect specific odorants and send signals to the brain via the olfactory nerve.

What is it called when particles dissolve here and you detect smells?

When particles dissolve in the air and you detect smells, it is called olfaction. Olfaction is the sense of smell, where specialized receptor cells in the nasal cavity are activated by airborne molecules, allowing you to perceive different scents.

Where is the olfactory cleft located?

The olfactory cleft is located at the top of the nasal cavity, directly beneath the brain's frontal lobes. It is an area lined with specialized cells that enable us to detect smells.

Where are collar cells located and what are the two functions of these specialized cells?

Choanocyte (collar cells) are any of the flagellated cells located in the body cavity of a sponge. They surround the base of the flagellum. The function of these cells is to maintain the flow of water through the body of the sponge.

Where are collar cells located and what are two functions of these specialized cells?

Choanocyte (collar cells) are any of the flagellated cells located in the body cavity of a sponge. They surround the base of the flagellum. The function of these cells is to maintain the flow of water through the body of the sponge.

Where collar cells located and what are the two functions of these specialized cells?

Choanocyte (collar cells) are any of the flagellated cells located in the body cavity of a sponge. They surround the base of the flagellum. The function of these cells is to maintain the flow of water through the body of the sponge.

What is the part of your nose that holds your olfactory cells?

The olfactory epithelium, located in the upper part of the nasal cavity, holds the olfactory receptor cells responsible for detecting smells. It contains specialized nerve cells that send signals to the brain when they detect specific odor molecules.

What is the part of my nose that holds your olfactory cells?

The olfactory cells are located in the olfactory epithelium, which is a specialized tissue found in the upper part of the nasal cavity. This area is covered in mucus and contains nerve endings that detect and transmit smells to the brain.