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You need the facts and proof that she is your sister, lol you just don't throw statements like that around, she needs like I've said; proof, facts, or anything that can be proven you guys are "sisters"

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Only if you have a daughter with your parent...

But then she'd still only be your half-sister...

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Your sister's daughter is your niece.

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Your sister's daughter and your daughter are first cousins to each other. Your sister's daughter's daughter (her granddaughter) is first cousin once removed to you daughter. Your granddaughter and your sister's granddaughter are second cousins to each other.

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Your brother or sister's daughter is called 'your niece.'

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Your sister is your son's aunt. Your sister's daughter is your sons first cousin. Your sister's daughter's son (your sister's grandson) is your son's first cousin, once removed.

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Your daughter is your sister's niece. Your daughter's son is her great nephew.