it may hurt before your period but only before it won't hurt after you start
mine never did
i had BAD headaches before i started,
but the accutal bleeding doesnt hurt.
It hurts in your stomach
You shouldn't experience any pain on your period - not on either side. Many women experience menstrual cramps, which are a vice-like feeling in the lower abdomen, back, and legs, but this is not a normal part of healthy menstruation so not everyone experiences this and most who do can prevent menstrual cramps.
Its most likely your kidneys.
quit kicking it and it'll get better
Some times if you run your sides can hurt. So it's possible that it could be runners pain.
There are a lot of problems like a bruised liver and appendix that could be an issue. If your side continues to hurt, it is best to consult a doctor.
not laughing at all because if you laugh to hard and long your side will begin to hurt
you can get cramps or your stomach will hurt or your feet can hurt too but you can never be sure about when u start your period
Your period doesn't hurt but if you get PMS getting you're period might hurt. Go to or for any further information!
no, but it is ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, gas can cause pain in your side, commonly known as gas pain or trapped gas. This pain is often described as sharp or cramp-like and is caused by the buildup of gas in the digestive system. It can be relieved by walking, gentle massage, or over-the-counter medications.
I meant Should my period hurt me cuz its not